Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

Resistance is futile: Accept your experience

“When we argue with reality, we lose, but only 100% of the time” Byron Katie   How many times have you gone over and over something in your head that has already happened? How much time and energy has been spent on reliving something that “shouldn’t have happened”, but, in fact, did.  Or, perhaps there

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Fear or Excitement?

” Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson   Think for a moment about going on a roller coaster…. what do you sense in your body? Probably if you’re like me, it’s a combination of butterflies in your stomach, tightness in your chest and restriction in your

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We are wired…

for connection. We are intimately connected to others in the grand web of human design. When we feel disconnected or lonely we are simply forgetting our connection. Feeling lonely is a natural human emotion.   “When you tug on a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world” John

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I declare war….

doesn’t sound very mindful does it? But sometimes you have to commit fully to something… I declare war on one, or maybe two words…..  good and busy.   “It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau   We are in a culture

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It’s time to stop…

“If it feels right, do it.” Oprah   Why is the fear of public speaking worse that the fear of death?  Because one of the biggest fears people have is what others think of them. It may not even be a big, obvious monster fear, but a small worry that keeps you smaller than you

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What is your story?

We all have stories… some good, some not so good.. about our lives. Some stories are true, some are purely perceptions, and some are not true at all. The stories we tell determine how we feel and what we look for in our day, and ultimately, how we live our lives. Our stories can cause

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Avoidance: necessary or harmful?

An interesting question was raised in the last Mindfulness group regarding when is it OK to avoid an anxiety-provoking situation or person, and when is it maladaptive………. is mindfulness ie. being with the present moment no matter what… always indicated?   This came on the heels of an article I received the same day by

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One word that can change your life

If there was one word that would guide your actions, access your true wisdom, help you make choices that are in integrity with your true self, what would it be?   Hmmm.. that’s it…. hmmmm…..   When we stop, slow down, breathe and remain present especially in the midst of a negative reaction/exchange, our amygdyla

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Things to consider before dying

Might seem like a morbid topic, but let’s face it, we’re all going to die sooner or later so why not accept it and use it as a reason to REALLY live “your one wild and precious life” Mary Oliver.   According to research and people working in the field, noone in their last days

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Life is an Experiment

“Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.” Tony Robbins We all know we can’t always get it right the first time. However, knowing this, and taking the leap, are two different things. If we think in terms of

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