Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

Praise the effort not the result…

“We don’t do great things. We can only do small things with love “ Mother Teresa   Have you ever heard of those people who have big, lofty goals and wonderful dreams for when they retire or when they have time? Of course we all have. The tragedy happens when their life has passed them by

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What they don’t tell you on Facebook….

If you’re a Facebook user like I am, you have to stop and ask yourself if it makes you feel connected and better, or alone and inadequate. This may depend on the day, the posts, and what is happening in your own life. All good information…….   However, if you find yourself feeling less than

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Lessons from a Leader and Pick Your Word….

Lessons from an Extraordinary Man:   This post might be a little longer than others, but it certainly wasn’t intended that way. As I was devising the usual “Beat the holiday stress” or “Tips for a great year” type of blog,  I became absorbed in a book that ate up my time and fascinated me.

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Who’s to judge?

I am writing to you today from sunny South Africa and believe me, there’s no better time to talk about Mindtrap #4 than when you are in a different culture. Have you ever had the experience of someone not returning your call or email for a longer time than you would like? What tends to

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Quit the Victim Job.. Mindtrap #3

 “Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” Shakespeare   Who is responsible for your happiness? You, that’s right, 100% you.   Notice how you reacted to that statement. If it resonated and you felt empowered, you’re on the right track. If not, you’re likely stuck in a victim mindset. How do we

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We are all the same…

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” ― William James   What? You might be thinking… I am unique and special, or.. I’m not as good as others or there’s no way I’m like THEM.   I am writing today because it is becoming more clear

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Mindtrap #2 Stop Shoulding on Yourself!

“Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening” Lisa M. Hayes   I should exercise, I should read more, I shouldn’t be impatient, I should be doing more…. how do I feel after writing that? Pretty darn down and disempowered. We are what we choose to focus on, and if you

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Shining the spotlight on Mindtrap #1!

“I’ve had a great many troubles in my life… most of which never happened.” Mark Twain Do you worry about the future? Has what you worry about ever happened, and in the meantime how much time have you spent rocking your nervous system and taking yourself out of the present moment? We are the only

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Don’t believe everything you think

I hinted last week that we would talk about the biggest mindblocks to happiness this week, so here we go. But wait, what is this happiness we are looking for? Oh yes, happy thoughts and happy feelings. So, what gets in the way? Unhappy thoughts that lead to unhappy feelings. OK, so let’s start with

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The easiest way to melt stress fast!

I was in a yoga class last week when the teacher said something like “Notice the spot where you feel tightness, touch it, acknowledge it, let it know you feel it so it doesn’t have to produce a stress response.” One simple statement. A million implications. Not only did my mind go to the spot

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