Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

Notes from the Yoga for Lower Back Workshop

These notes are for anyone who is interested in yoga poses to stretch and strengthen their lower back, and also as a refresher for those students who attended the recent “Yoga for Lower Back Care” workshop. Not all the poses have complete descriptions so you may need to google…   Lower back pain is very

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“I realized that I only judged people when they displayed a quality I could not accept in myself. If someone was a show-off, I no longer judged them because I knew that I, too, was a show-off. Only when I had completely convinced myself that I was not capable of a certain behavior would I

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The Art of Slowing Down

The world is getting busier and our biology can’t keep up.   So, we end up in a stress response, or fight-or-flight, for most of our waking hours. We respond to more stimuli in a day than our ancestors did in their lifetime.  We are not built for this… we are built to get stressed,

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What are you resisting?

During a recent conflict I experienced second-hand it became clear to me once more that stress occurs only when one is in resistance to the present moment, exactly how it is. When we fight against how events are actually occurring it creates tension and anxiety. Often what has happened… has already happened. This is difficult

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What inspires you?

This is one of the biggest and most important questions… and is also sometimes very difficult to answer.  To live a happy and fulfilling life, you must find out what inspires you…… and surround yourself with it. Here are some tips to get going…   Look around you… what do you find beautiful? colour? nature?

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End Worry Now

When we notice through mindfulness that our minds rend to veer down the path of worry and anxiety, we need a process to practice that will get us out the the past or the future, which is where worry resides, and into the NOW.   Consider these steps and make them a part of your

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Does this really work?

Somewhere along the path of mindfulness/meditation, usually in the beginning, we stop and ask if this is really DOING anything?  If it wasn’t for everything I read and listened to about mindfulness telling me to keep going, I probably would have found other interests…. however, boy am I glad I stuck with it… why? It

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Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung! As I uncover layers of dead leaves and stalks left over from the life that was there last summer, I discover small sprouts of green shoots in the most unlikely and impossible places.  It reminds me of a Buddha quote: “The cracks are where the light shines in “……. No matter what,

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