Workshops and Courses

Embodied Healing: Transforming Pain by Befriending Your Body
This is a 4-hour online retreat to help you befriend your body and partner with it as an ally in your healing. Ongoing pain changes the way you feel about, and in, your body. In order to survive, you disconnect and yet the way to heal fully is to come back home and work with your body. You will learn embodied practices and exercises to explore this healing relationship with your body using polyvagal theory.

Track Your Wild Self
Track Your Wild Self is a 30 day journey to explore, sniff out, and follow the track of what lights you up, your own aliveness. This is my latest creation, designed to help you get clarity through the overwhelm, get unstuck and start following your life’s path. The path of your true, wild self. The one you were before the world told you who you were and what to do. The world needs more people who feel alive and you are here to feel the aliveness inside you... and follow that. Next adventure coming in 2025!
Lioness Rising:
The Courage to Be Yourself
A 12 week course in living a life of authenticity and purpose. Learn about the full nervous system cycle from prey to predator, own your voice and claim your territory. Integrate shadows like shame, greed, anger and pride. Embody a new level of consciousness that you were not taught in school. This is the other half of the story.
Next round of Lioness Rising begins in January 2025.
The Expansion Blueprint
Are you a woman in a midlife transition who feels stuck?
You feel SO ready for something new, something alive and free…but perhaps not sure what YET?
This is a time of opportunity, to make the pivot. Maybe it’s time to shed the old skin, the old ways and beliefs, and rebirth a new you. This choice is to expand or contract. To shrink or expand into a soul-led life.
It’s as simple as that… and I have the formula to get you there: The Expansion Blueprint Method

Fear to Freedom
My best-selling course is still available online! Fear to Freedom is a 5 week online course in mindfulness for anxiety to help you lift above the many forms that fear takes. The course is self-directed and you get weekly video lessons and daily meditations to help you see through fear once and for all. The videos cover key aspects of healing anxiety such as thoughts, breathing and embodiment for peace in this moment.

The Alive Empath Package
The Alive Empath is a 6-month course for sensitive, wholehearted women to move from chronic pain and anxiety to feeling full and strong. The perfect blend of science and effective tools to set boundaries, end people-pleasing and bring your gifts into the world. This course comes with bonus course The Empath Sanctuary and a video resource library for empaths. Everything an empath needs to survive and thrive in this complex world. Contact me to find out more

Lifting Above Shame
Lifting Above Shame is a 5-week online course designed to help you shift beyond the beliefs and stuckness of shame into who you truly are, who you always have been before the world told you who to be. Presently closed.

This course is available online as part of The Alive Empath Package
Empath Sanctuary is a 3-month course where you receive weekly classes on healing, rising and thriving as an empath, a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energies of the world.
You will learn skills such as setting clear boundaries, releasing old patterns that are serving you and stepping up, being seen and finding your power as a sensitive soul.

Good Girl to Good Enough Online Retreat
Difficulty setting boundaries and standing firm? Always feel you're "behind", but not sure behind what? Never feel like you're "there"? Fit enough, smart enough, whatever enough... just "enough"? This is a workshop for women to realize their truth worth and move through what holds you back, keeps you small, and realize your true power and potential. No retreats currently scheduled.

Lifting Above Shame
Lifting Above Shame is a 5-week online course designed to help you shift beyond the beliefs and stuckness of shame into who you truly are, who you always have been before the world told you who to be. Presently closed.

An 8-Week Class on Emotional Healing with Chronic Pain
This class was delivered for the Bill Nelems Pain and Research Centre as an 8-week course on emotional awareness and expression to help heal underlying factors and causes contributing to persistent pain.

Pain Sense
This class is currently closed
In this 4-week class you will learn the science of why your pain persists, tools for turning down the pain dial and how to move safely again. Please call or email for next start date and registration.
Mindfulness For Stress And Anxiety
This 6 week class is a combination of mindfulness, breathing and gentle movement to learn about anxiety and an introduction to mindfulness practices that can help you to move through fear to freedom.
It is held in a yoga studio where we supply mats and all the props you need to stay comfy. You just need to bring yourself!

Breathe To Heal
A 10 minute breathing practice everyday can change your life. In this 90-min workshop we re-learn how to breathe more fully, relax our bodies and minds and transform our nervous systems to move from anxiety to calm.
You can find many more of my webinars and videos on healing, coming alive, pain, anxiety interviews with leading experts from around the world and so much more on my Youtube channel Woman Fully Alive