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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

One word that can change your life

If there was one word that would guide your actions, access your true wisdom, help you make choices that are in integrity with your true self, what would it be?


Hmmm.. that’s it…. hmmmm…..


When we stop, slow down, breathe and remain present especially in the midst of a negative reaction/exchange, our amygdyla (the emotional part of our brain that lights up to protect and defend!) calms down and enables us to widen our view to the bigger picture. We can consider “what is THAT all about for me/him/her?”. When we look deeper we can see the deeper reaction in ourselves and others. We can see our own issues of control, fear, insecurities that trigger a strong reaction, particularly in relationships.


When we say “hmmm….” we also create new, healthier and more positive neural pathways that strengthen our willpower, patience and ability to be present and more mindful. Think of it as pumping the mindfulness muscle.


When we stop and say “hmmm… what is that all about?” We can choose a different reaction and unhook from habitual patterns that keep us stuck. Imagine if the whole world stopped and said “hmmmm”… we might see a bigger picture that is good for everyone. You can bet that most crimes would not be committed, most countries would not be invaded, arguments would decrease, and overall we have a society where blaming ceases and everyone takes full responsibility for their own actions in the name of their own peace and well-being and ultimately for the greater good.


Say it now…. Hmmmm….

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