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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Life is an Experiment

“Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.” Tony Robbins

We all know we can’t always get it right the first time. However, knowing this, and taking the leap, are two different things. If we think in terms of success or failure, we better be pretty well versed in failure because life is about trying, failing, and trying again.  Thomas Edison had to try some 900 times to make a lightbulb. Schultz had at least 200 rejections before a coffee chain accepted his Starbucks idea.

Fear holds people back from getting/being/doing what their heart really wants to do in their one precious and magnificent life. Oftentimes fear is out of proportion to the actual situation. It may help to ask “What is the worst that could happen and what are the chances of that?” to keep it reality based.

Often the fear is about what others think of us… what others think of you is none of your business. What they think of you is more to do with them than with you… their own fears, insecurities, judgements. You can never have any control over that territory and is a waste of precious energy to try. As Carolyn Myss states: where are the naysayers when you are on your deathbed? No where to be found. They’re not saying “I’m so glad you didn’t do that”… but you will.

How about we think of life as a perpetual experiment? This gives us the freedom to try it out, test a hypothesis, and see what happens…..Successful people don’t see setbacks as failure, they see them as setbacks….

Follow you heart and let go of the outcome…… it’s just an experiment…



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