Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

You DO Matter, and This Is Why

 When I was young,I asked big questions,  Why do we have to sit in school?Who invented going to work all day?Why don’t adults play more?What can I know for sure?  (turns out, not a lot!)  I still ask big questions and wonder why the world has to be like it is.  I wonder how this big machine

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Moving from Shoulds to Wants

This blog sprung up from a Facebook post that had so much reaction, I’m going with it! I have lived most of my life, from the time I was an early teen, from the question “What should I do?”. What should I wear What should I say, write, study, exercise, eat, vote, respond,  This is

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Are You Stuck in Judgement? Here’s Why

When we start to see the worth in everyone,  life changes.  Invisible chains release. False ideas leave. The masks are taken off.  Forgiveness and compassion arise.  And a world based on unconditional love becomes possible. Peace and presence enter and it is like life itself reaches in and says “let me take over.” One thing

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