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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Things to consider before dying

Might seem like a morbid topic, but let’s face it, we’re all going to die sooner or later so why not accept it and use it as a reason to REALLY live “your one wild and precious life” Mary Oliver.


According to research and people working in the field, noone in their last days and years says they wish they made more money, worked more, bought a bigger house…..


As I look around the home/facility where my elderly father now lives, I ask what gives the residents meaning in their life now? What matters most? Clearly, it is the relationships, both past and present, that bring a smile, a sense of belonging, a knowing that “I matter”, and that their life has meant something.


Most end-of-life wishes revolve around relationships… moments with loved ones, forgiving family members, spending more time with friends, slowing down to see the beauty in children. I can’t think of a better way to put it than “Have I loved well?”.


Why wait for the end of life, why not ask yourself that question each night as you go to sleep…. have I loved well today?


What relationships do you need to nurture, spend more time on, forgive, love, and laugh more with? Start today.



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