Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

What do you get to do?

  Every night, we lay aside our day as we welcome sleep and rest in a place beyond thoughts, tasks, doubts and judgements. We have a chance to pause and breathe into dreams… until our consciousness finds us again in the morning as we open our eyes, a new day.   The other day I

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Press the Pause Button

    Hello Mindful Tribe and here’s to another week, So often these days in my office I hear words like: “I just need to stop, step back and think.” “I think I just needed to say it out loud.” “I just need to get perspective.”    I am starting to notice that this is

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15 Brain Hacks you want to be doing

  Hello There Beautiful Mindful Tribe!   If you have been reading MLN for a while now you will know that I love simple practices that bring more peace and less stress into our lives.  I just got back from an amazing gathering in NYC and I am sooo excited to share with you 15

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Start where ever you are

  “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese Proverb   I love to run. Not with the goal of improving, going fast or winning, I just find the very action of running exhilarating. This summer I didn’t make the time for it as much

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Welcome to Fall! 2 things I know for sure…..

    Hello Everyone and welcome to fall and back to school, at least for those of us in the western hemisphere. I have been silent for a few weeks but now emerge with lots of good stuff for you.    Typically, this is a time of increased activity, energy, irritability and stress. However, it

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