Transformational Breathwork

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Yung

The most powerful process that I use to help people uncover their true essence is transformational breathwork. 

To ascend, we need to descend first. My background as a trauma therapist assists us to manage, navigate and release the many underlying emotions that got stuck in a freeze response in your body.

When we can welcome and embrace these emotions and sensations in a safe and supportive space, they can be set free. 

If they are not supported and managed, we can re-traumatize ourselves. Breathwork is a safe but powerful tool not to be misused.

It all depends on YOUR goals. We can go deeply and powerfully inwards,  or a gentler, softer “micro-dosing” approach. 

My mission is to heal the underlying trauma, stress and stuck emotions that cause fear and stuckness.  Most of our lives we are acting from our past conditioning and miss out on knowing who we truly are, aprt from what we inherited and what we have been told. 

If you have found yourself trying many tools, maybe years of therapy, and still feel stuck, you might be battling with your conscious mind which contains 5% of our information. Breathwork takes you out of the mind and into the body and subconscious which is the 95% of your beliefs, emotions and past experiences. 

Breathwork bypasses the mind, the trying to understand and figure it out and goes directly to a somatic (body) release from your tissues.

In my own experience and my clients, breathwork heals in one session what can take many, many sessions of talk therapy to do.

Expect to release mental, emotional and energetic blockages, expand your consciousness, enter deeper states of meditation, surrender to your intuition and let go of past hurt, grief and heavy emotions.

When we move from our heads and into our hearts, we get to feel into deeper parts of ourselves, uncovering what lies in our unconscious mind.

"I had my first session today. Madeleine’s energy, voice and unwavering grace helped me to release stored trauma from 7 years ago. I am forever grateful! " ​
Denise R.
Breathwork Client
"I love Madeleine Eames. She is a talented psychotherapist/yoga therapist of the highest caliber. She is generous and kind, and she works from the heart. I highly recommend her to any man, woman or child who need help with whatever difficulty they are going through."
Sveta Bird
Program Participant
"I feel like the saran wrap that has been holding me so tightly, squeezing me, is slowly being unraveled. I know this is directly related to the breathwork session. I can breathe now."
Juliet K.
Breathwork Participant
"Thank you for guiding us through it. Your voice really made it a secure time. It was like you knew what was happening while I was going through this (controlled) frenzy of significant breathing. I’m so glad I did it!!"
Elizabeth P.
Breathwork Participant

And so many more…

“There was a before me, and an after me. I felt a change in that I was able to release emotions that I had been talking about in therapy for 10 years.”

Bonnie P.

Madeleine’s voice and unwavering support allowed me to release old stuff and feel finally free and at peace afterwards. I can’t thank her enough.”

Patty Woodward

“This is powerful stuff. Madeleine is the real thing, she speaks from her own experience and creates a place that feels safe, accepting and let’s you just be yourself.”

Shauna Begot

“I have never experienced something like this and I have done a lot of healing. It’s the combination of her voice, the music and mostly the breathwork which is crazy, deep and I honestly screamed out everything I had been holding inside.”

Pamela Ingerman