Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

Finding Your Extremes to Find Your Centre

Happy Spring Equinox! If this seems like an unusual title for a mindfulness blog, stay with me.  So often we live our lives based on “this is ok, and that is not.” Think right now of all the things you deem acceptable, and what you spend energy working against.  It is noble to work for

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The Faulty Belief under Shame, Fear and Anger

“You can live your life as if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that life is all sunshine and roses and that everything is a miracle, that’s not my way.  But I am going to ask you to stay open

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Do You “Whatever” Yourself?

“The small things, they’re not small things.” Jon Kabat Zinn Have you ever been “whatevered”? If you are a parent of a teen, or a teacher, you already know what I mean.  Don’t speak to me that way. “Whatever” Please clean up your desk/room/socks. “Yeah, whatever” I’ve told you many times… “Got it. Whatever” One

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