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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher


“I realized that I only judged people when they displayed a quality I could not accept in myself. If someone was a show-off, I no longer judged them because I knew that I, too, was a show-off. Only when I had completely convinced myself that I was not capable of a certain behavior would I get upset and point my finger at the other person. Hold your hand straight out in front of you and point at someone. Notice that you have one finger pointing at that them and three fingers pointing back at yourself. This can serve as a reminder that when we are blaming others we are only denying an aspect of ourselves.” ~ Debbie Ford from The Dark Side of the Light Chasers


This quote describes Projection in the best way…. think about who triggers irritation, frustration and otherwise uncomfortable emotions in your life. What aspect about them gets you the most? There is the key to your shadow…. the unconscious parts of us that we try our best to avoid, lock away, but they come out in different ways and can wreak havoc in your life.  Go ahead, shine the light on it and recognize that you, too, carry that quality… embrace it and let it settle into your personality as part of your wonderful whole….. then it loses power over you….




Madeleine's Most Recent Posts

Embrace Anger to End the Drama

Stuck in a loop of angry thoughts.  Going over and over scenarios, yelling at the injustice of it all.  I can’t believe they did that. I can’t believe this is happening.  How could they be so hurtful, stupid, unaware? Do you find yourself in this quagmire of boggy, dense thinking?

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Learning to Feel Everything Again

Good Morning Magical Beings,  Yes you are magical.  You have the ability to feel (for better or worse!), to create and to be alive. Am I wrong? Today’s post feels important and I’ll start with a question: How did you learn what was ok to feel and what wasn’t? Let

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Is it Them or is it This? Speaking Up From Love

Last time I told you I was going to talk about how feeling all your feelings does NOT mean you are dysregulated in your nervous system. That is super important, but this feels more important today: using your voice. Your throat chakra. Your communication system with the world around you.

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The Nervous System-Boundary Missing Link

I hope you are enjoying this series on boundaries so far and if you are just tuning in, check back at the posts to see what you have missed.  Have you been able to identify where you land most of the time on the drama triangle? If you have then

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