During a recent conflict I experienced second-hand it became clear to me once more that stress occurs only when one is in resistance to the present moment, exactly how it is. When we fight against how events are actually occurring it creates tension and anxiety. Often what has happened… has already happened. This is difficult when we come with a built in fight-or-flight alarm system that goes off at any sign of danger. But what are the dangers now? Threats to the ego…a threat to self-esteem, self-worth, or simply late for work? Ask yourself if this is real danger, and are you in fact safe?
Accepting the present moment does not mean we give up and do nothing. In fact, it means the opposite and action actually reduces stress. When we can breathe into, and fully accept that we are usually not in control, and people do what they will do, we reduce the fight-or-flight and then act from a place of empowered wisdom, even love.
What are you presently resisting? Can you feel the tension this creates? How does it feel to accept it fully and then proceed? Probably a whole lot better………… now get on with responding to it, if you choose.