A few weeks ago I was interviewing someone for my podcast and usually I am right on point. I have a flow, I know where we are going. I ask the right questions to get us there.
But I started feeling a little fuzzy.
I felt myself losing track of the conversation and before I knew it we were talking about their Aunt Mildred who once said something to them about something. I can’t remember what.
I felt a tension in my belly, an irritation in my throat and a rising feeling of boredom and wanting to end the conversation (flight). I also felt my mind go foggy wondering what should I say to turn this around (freeze)?
I know this by now. I move into action (fight, but not fighting, just action).
I interrupted.
I said something like “I’m going to take us forward into your life right now. Can you tell me more about what’s happening now?”
And we are back on track. I actually had to do that 3-4 more times during the interview. Because we are recording, it has to stay on track or listeners will get as bored as I was.
Your body is always giving you clues. Listen to them.
As someone who has been known to be a good listener (you probably are too), I have also had to learn the art of interrupting. It is a muscle I have to continually build so it stays strong with usage.
You don’t always have to end the conversation or even address the over-talking behaviour if you learn the art of taking back your power in conversations.
Do you notice that other people do it all the time?
Our conversation then flowed. All my old fears about being rude, staying quiet and giving the floor to others disappeared. It feels good to interrupt.
You have the right to exit conversations that are uncomfortable, address it, or simply interrupt and take back your power.
You can do the simple just start talking about something different, or sometimes we do actually need a pocket full of weapons to use when needed such as:
I’m going to change the subject now.
Let’s talk about..
I have something to say.
Or have a topic ready that you are excited to talk about.
If you are walking dogs, talk about your dog.
If you are having dinner, talk about the dinner or take what they say and relate it to yourself.
Oh yes, that happened to me when..
The truth is, over-talking is not kind. I know if you are reading this, you are not an over-talker.
You may have learned well how to stay quiet in school, at the family dinner table or to keep connections. You may also have averted attention to yourself by keeping it on others and staying invisible.
All ok, and now you need to start guarding your attention and your time and start spending it in ways and with whom you enjoy.
This is not rude, this is self-love and that is healing.
Tell me how you will start to interrupt, change the subject or state how you feel.
Even if it doesn’t go like mine did, keep going. Don’t feel like you did something wrong, that is your inner child. Let them know you are now taking care of us and have the right to protect your time and energy. They will get used to it and realize they are safe.
You’ve got this. You are going to start loving it. You are going to start shifting patterns and the people around you will shift too.
A simple interruption can change everything.
Let me know how it goes in the comments below. You are a beautiful work in progress!
ps. I have a class in Embodied Boundaries coming up on December 18th. You can register here: Embodied Boundarie