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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Your Basic Goodness


Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!  Whether you feel thankful or not is not dependent on where you are, what you have, or who you are with. It is a perspective. 

How do you choose to see the world when you wake up? Is it a place to be conquered, mastered, or protected from? Is it a big, scary monster? Is it a place to be loved and experienced?  We all have a world view that is shaped at a young age… but can and is changeable.

We start out pretty chill…. there is a ton of evidence that babies as young as 3 or 6 months of age naturally gravitate towards happy faces, kindness and empathy. We are wired for good. 

However, life experiences might teach us otherwise. We forms beliefs about ourselves and what the world is like by about the age of eight.  Now, as adults, our basic goodness is up against 2 big, scary monsters: Our need to look for the negative, and our inner critic.

When we can peel back the layers of thought and body tension, and see what is left, we are left with our basic goodness. It is something we are born with, not something you need to learn or acquire. It is already here. Call off the search parties.

But, and there’s a big but here: Believing in your basic goodness is not something you can read in a book, learn about and become an expert on.  It is only to be experienced to know for sure. 

How do we do this? Through mindfulness: sitting and inquiring. Sift through your layers.  What triggers you? What are your beliefs about yourself? Are they really true? Where did they come from?

Relax, let go of muscle tension. Let go of what is not yours, or anything you have been carrying. This may take practice.

See for yourself what is left. Don’t worry… the gem you find will be worth the deep dive I promise you.

Want to come and practice? I am now offering a weekly class at Kula Wellness to put this into practice. No special experience needed… you already have everything you need.

To register click here:



Have a great week!



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