Anyone who says that change is as simple as changing your thoughts, has not experienced the effects of trauma.
I know that is a bold statement. Especially since most if not all adults have experienced trauma.
I would probably correct that to say.. ‘has not experienced or fully processed their own trauma’.
Yes, thoughts are super-powerful. Underlying beliefs are even more powerful.
But underlying, unprocessed trauma gets lodged in our nervous systems, largely unconscious, but still driving the bus. AND some nervous systems are more open, sensitive and vulnerable to trauma.
I see so many people buy into the philosophy that they just need to change their thoughts and ‘poof’ they will feel better, manifest more and live the life they imagined.
Sure, it can and does happen. But often the gremlins of self-sabotage, repeated negative or destructive patterns and self-blame arise and what is left is a never-ending spiral of feeling broken or not good enough.
This is reinforced all around us in society with the pressure to ‘think positive’, ‘be happy’ and ‘change your thoughts’.
Our default patterns are survival patterns and nothing trumps that… until it is noticed, felt and released. No amount of positive thinking can override a survival pattern.
But if you find yourself repeating the same patterns, the same habits, the same old feelings arise, there is a likely a hidden belief in an unresolved trauma. This process can be scary to dive into, so it’s no wonder we would not automatically jump in head first.
My encouragement to you is that if you find yourself stuck and repeating unwanted patterns, that you pause, feel the discomfort and find ways to stabilize and regulate your nervous system, and heal at the root.
I live, eat and breathe searching for effective ways to help people truly transform their health and their lives. This journey has taken me in so many different directions and every day I discover something new.
So, if you are ready to make lasting shifts at the root level and are sick and tired of trying to change your mindset or your behaviour with little results, then contact me to see if I can help you get the results you deserve.