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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Where have you bypassed yourself?



For the sake of keeping the peace, finding safety, looking for love, being seen, reaching goals, fitting in… where my dear, have you bypassed yourself?


Where have you believed thoughts about yourself or the world that are simply false, and followed them down a path that leads you astray from your true self. Let’s follow that path back to you, the only place you will ever find peace and ease.


My teacher, Jon Kabat Zinn, once quoted a student in one of his mindfulness classes that said “I turned my head for a minute and I woke up 10 years later wondering how I got there”. This is a story I hear all too often where we turn on the autopilot and cruise through life to a destination we never saw coming. Sometimes it’s not what we want, sometimes it is, but it never hurts to look at where you are and where you might have taken a detour and lost sight of yourself. The great thing is that you are always waiting in the background for you to return… did that make sense?


Here are a few clues:


  1. Think of who you were before the world told you who you should be. What did you love to do? What made your heart sing? Are you doing any of that now?
  2. Where in your life do you feel truly alive, yourself, with no doubts or fears?
  3. Lastly, look at where you repeatedly feel awkward, stressed, uncomfortable or compromised. What beliefs about you are you telling yourself?  Remember, we’re not in the business of changing other people, but rather look at how you can either let go and accept the situation or person, or come into a truer version of yourself without compromise. It might mean setting boundaries, speaking up or letting go.


As Kermit the Frog said “It’s not easy being green”.  But if you are green, might as well accept and love it. Don’t try to be red.


Have a great week. For those of you who attend the Thursday mindfulness class, remember this week’s class is cancelled…. but practice anyway! Feel free to leave a comment below on what you love to do that makes you feel truly alive, or what you refuse to do anymore, or visit us on the MLN facebook page.


Lots of love,








2 thoughts on “Where have you bypassed yourself?”

  1. Its early morning and I am reading your blog..Thank you for the reminder. There are many things i do in my life that bring me joy..Dancing and music opens me to tremendous joy.. Being present with my son is another joyous activity for me. Things that I refuse to do anymore… I refuse to have people in my life who discount
    how I feel.I am learning all the different ways I feel discounted..I am learning that part of the value I have inside me tells me to walk away from any thing that doesn’t
    resonate with the beauty that I feel. Have a beautiful day.. sheila


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