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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

What is the Divine Feminine Anyway?

We are hearing the phrase “The Divine Feminine” now more than ever before. Why? Because it is safer now. Not completely safe for everyone, and for some in this world, still dangerous, but it’s definitely coming out!

It’s beautiful, it is time… and it can also be a bypass.

I love all the qualities in everyone that are emerging. The fierce compassionate leadership, the loving earth mother, heart-centred, wise, forgiving qualities that the planet so needs right now. 

But we can’t go there until we acknowledge here or it becomes an intellectual exercise that gives women one more reason to beat ourselves up and feel not worthy because we’re just not feelin’ it.

We cannot heal until we can see what is here. We cannot get there until we see the chains that patriarchy has created for both men and women, the false beliefs, the rigid roles, the self-doubt, asking for permission, and the fears around showing up authentically and taking up space. 

Easy to say, a lifetime to heal. 

It’s like telling a cat that they have always been a lion.  Sounds great in theory, but requires some steps to roar loudly and feel safe.

You can only move to the speed of safety. 

It’s useful to know where you are going, to have a destination even if you can’t see it. It’s like a signpost to a destination most of us have never, ever known. 

So next time you hear the phrase Divine Feminine and you are left wondering if you’ve got what it takes to arrive on those shores.. know that you are not alone. 

And there is nothing wrong with you. 

Start to learn, to read, and above all, start to find safety in your body. 

That is where is starts… and ends. 

You don’t have to know what you need… yet. 

You don’t have to make yourself someone new. 

You don’t have to re-invent anything. 

You just have to realize where you get stuck, breathe and perhaps move through it and see for yourself that you will survive. 

You can only move to the speed of safety. 

That is the only way forward.. to uncover and express the beautiful yet suppressed qualities of the Diving Feminine and change the world. 



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