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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

What Do You Really Want for 2021?

I’ve been asking myself and others this question a lot lately and have been doing an exercise that has been so helpful and revealing that I want to share with you. 

You may have already jumped to answers such as :

  • peace
  • calm
  • happiness
  • my job back
  • my health
  • to feel good
  • to see my kids, my family

Now, ask yourself another question:

What matters most to me?

What truly matters most?

What truly, truly, matters most?

Keep going with the question and see what surfaces. 

Now sit and receive in your body.

As we drill down, we get to the core of what really matters to our heart, the very source of our being, and out of the thoughts of the mind.

It may be the same answer, but I have found that answers shift and change the closer we get to our heart and out of the thinking, conditioned mind.

What we are looking for outside of ourselves is actually to create a certain feeling inside of ourselves.

Sometimes we do not want to know the answer that surfaces, because we already know the truth but are not ready for it.

I need to change my job.

I need to look after myself more.

I need to give up that habit.

I need to follow my dreams.

I need to leave that relationship or friendship. 


“I need to love more, love myself, forgive myself, let go of that grudge, take responsibility, give up blame, let others be, find compassion”.  

These are the truths that the heart knows, but the mind keeps on keeping on. 

The body’s wisdom is far more intelligent than the mind.

Your gut feelings are wise.

Your closed heart is wise.

The awe you feel at nature is wise.

Your heart strings that get pulled are wise. 

These are not just sayings, they are the innate wisdom speaking through you in your internal GPS. 

We have been trained out of the body and into the head, and although our brains are super-powerful computers, they are limited if they are disconnected.

Limited to the past, the ‘shoulds’ and ‘have-tos’ and all that we have been taught so far. 

Society promotes this conformity:

He is so ahead

Use your head!

She’s got a good head on her shoulders.

I could go on but you get the idea.

The head or mind teaches us through thoughts and I am here to tell you that that is not a reliable way to live.

Thoughts and beliefs can turn us against each other, against ourselves and the world, unless they come from some sort of wisdom. 

When we connect within and with the heart and soul of who we are we find an endless source of empathy that, if felt in the moment would never hurt, kill or harm another person. 

When we are connected within, we would also feel how our destructive or negative words  and actions affect ourselves in our energetic body.

It feels bad.

I have been heartbroken this year by so many stories of people not feeling connected to their family and friends or to the world. I would say if there was a word for 2020 I would call it “disconnection”.  

However, this isn’t new, it’s just been highlighted. 

It highlights the disconnection in ourselves, that we cannot sit comfortably with strong emotions, with sadness and anger and grief. 

We long for an answer outside of ourselves. That answer will never heal and solve the war within. 

What truly matters? What you might find is that what you truly want, you are capable of giving to yourself. 

You may have just been talked out of it. 

Hit ‘reply’ and tell me: 

What truly matters most?

Lots of love to you all in this virtual community,


ps. If you missed it before, I am doing an encore presentation of my webinar “The #1 Step You Can Take to Heal in 2021”  on Wednesday December 9th at 11am PST.  You can register right here.

2 thoughts on “What Do You Really Want for 2021?”

  1. What a great question.The most important thing in my life is being present.No matter what.That is what my heart wants. It’s my life and I am showing up for it.When I die I will say-I was here.


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