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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

What do You Do Under Stress, and is it Helpful? (and a free training for you).

Hi Everyone,

These times are asking a lot of us.

I find myself grappling with questions like “Is this ok?”, ” How bad is it, really?”, “What should I do or not do?”, “Can my kids go out?”, “How long will this last?”. Maybe you do too.

And my anxiety level seems to fluctuate wildly depending on who I talk to or what I read. I feel like a ping-pong ball!

The truth is, normally we have a good idea of what to do or not do, what is good for us and good for others.

But it seems that there is no common opinion or “common sense” in this case as it varies so much from person to person, place to place, aside from the common sense washing hands, minimizing contact advice.

And so we are challenged within ourselves. But there is one thing that we CAN do.

When I think about it, it is really the only thing we can have control over most of the time.

And that is, getting curious about how WE respond to stress.

Does this sound familiar to you? 🙂 We’ve talked about this before, but now is the time to practice!

If you feel chaos, what is your pattern?

Do you veer towards fight-flight-freeze or fawn, or some combination of a few?

Where did you learn that and is it the pattern that serves you well?

My pattern is fawning, trying to make everything better for others and not showing my own fear, for fear of scaring others.

I learned this growing up, and it’s something I revert to, which makes me very good under stress!

So, my challenge in life has been to be more honest and get more attuned to how I truly feel.

Emotionally honest with myself, honest with others and knowing every individual is responsible for their own feelings and reactions.

When we start to mindfully notice our patterns, it gives us a chance to make a choice: keep them or say goodbye to them.

This global situation is bringing everyone’s patterns to the surface, exposing them to the light.

We choose: keep small-self patterns we learned as kids, or let go of old patterns and shift into something bigger, more empowering, or more honest and truthful.

When we shift, others around us do too.

So, I haven’t told you how to stay calm and reduce anxiety in a time of such uncertainty because that is the next step.

We are doing that tomorrow together at 11am in a webinar on “Finding Calm in Uncertainty”.

Register right here or below:

Come join me. If you can’t make the time, register anyway and I’ll send you a replay.

Let’s make this a time of REALLY learning mindfulness, self-regulation and finding peace.

Please find the invitation below and see you tomorrow!


Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 20, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Finding Calm in Uncertainty

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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