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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Video #1 The 2 Biggest Killers of Confidence for Empaths

8 thoughts on “Video #1 The 2 Biggest Killers of Confidence for Empaths”

  1. That was so right on.I feel it all the time. Brene Brown calls it a vunerbility hang over.It feels like shame to me because I too have been told I am too much.It usually passes for me but you saying not to listen really helped .Thank you so much. Sheila I also enjoyed the podcast

  2. Sheila,
    I’m so glad it resonated… and now we can see through it and act/speak in spite of it!

    Take care,


  3. Hello Madeleine,
    Thanks for the very thoughtful video. Like most women I’ve been trained to be a giver and your words have helped me see in the long run, how inevitable feelings of depletion are.

    Stay well.


    • Deanna,

      Yes, we sure are trained as givers aren’t we? I am glad you are able to see this…
      Fill your own cup first 🙂

      To your health and safety,



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