Let today be the day you get real, you come alive and be imperfectly perfect. That’s what the world needs more than anything. Shed your old beliefs that keep you trapped and realize that you are not here to make others happy. You are here to hear your own voice, to follow your unique path… and that requires courage to divert from the pack, the routine, the pattern. I realize this may be difficult when you struggle with illness, anxiety or other life difficulties, but if not now, then when?
I had the honour of attending an amazing dance show yesterday that lasted 2 1/2 hours and felt like 30 minutes. What was most obvious to me was that the dancers were doing what they loved to do, it made them feel truly alive, and it was palpable, not describable. Even my kids were mesmerized… and they never sit for that long! The aliveness resonated with the audience as a felt sense.
It may be helpful to ask yourself: When do I feel truly alive? What truly lights me up? How can I be more real? [tweetthis]For it is in our authenticity that we connect, not through perfection. [/tweetthis] When we are ourselves, we allow others to be themselves. Aaaah… relief.
There is a scene from Cheryl Strayed’s movie “Wild” where she remembers her mother dancing, laughing, teasing in the kitchen. She was alive. This is what our children need more than nagging, schedules and goals. They need space to feel alive.
I remember when my mother would disappear into her pottery studio for long periods of time and I didn’t understand why. It seemed kind of, well, boring. Now I get it. It made her feel alive, connected to her true source, her creativity. It made her who she was. This is different for everyone.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. Some of you know I have been working on a special project for some time now to help people connect with themselves, calm down and find peace. It is a special piece of jewellery called the “Breathe” that reminds you of what is truly important. I’ll tell you more in the upcoming weeks, but for now, it is something that makes me feel truly alive.
For this week, dear readers, I leave you with the question… what makes you feel alive? What are you doing? Who are you with/not with? In other words… why are you breathing today?
Feel free to leave a comment below and share with the Mindful Living Now community why you are breathing today. I am breathing to be more present and notice all the beauty that is present around me. Now I will go and make pancakes with my kids.
I wish you a real week,
Lots of love,
4 thoughts on “Today is the day!”
There is many things that make me feel alive.. one is dancing i feel totally connected .. I also feel alive when i strap on my backpack and begin to walk.
I feel open walking being in the moment to whatever happens to come my way..
Now I just need to remember to do them.. sheila
Thanks for sharing that Sheila. Movement is a great way to feel alive!
Great article, Madeleine.
We all need to keep looking for our Inner Guru!
Keep up the good work
Thanks Guy. Yes, the search for the inner guru! I do write about chronic pain from time to time, so your patients might be interested.
Have a great day!