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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

The Truth about Letting Go..




Have you ever been told to “just let it go”? And have you turned towards yourself and wagged your finger, scolding yourself to “let it go now, like right now”.

And has it worked? 

Things cling to us when there is something at stake. Usually this comes in the form of an unresolved feeling, a deep hurt or a fear.

Have you noticed that we let things go when we are ready to? Sometimes this happens unknowingly. You just notice that what bothered you before doesn’t anymore or you’re not thinking about it as much.

People, situations, events, continue to visit us if there is something there to inquire about in yourself. 

For example, if someone blurts out to you “Your shirt is red!” but it is, in fact blue. You are probably not going to dwell on it because you know there is no truth to it. You might laugh, shrug your shoulders and wonder if they are colour blind.

However, if someone says something that sticks like glue to you, it is worth inquiring as to whether there is some part of you that believes it, that needs to be resolved.

Try it now: What keeps recurring to you that seems to stick?

Does it remind you of a previous time or times in your life?

What is the underlying feeling, where do you feel it in your body, and….

What belief comes up about yourself?

The Work: Feel the emotion in your body as fully as possible. Breathe, taking full responsibility for it. No more blame.  Now, inch by inch, start to let it go.


Here’s the thing: Letting go can happen slowly or fast. It involves as Michael Singer describes in “The Untethered Soul”, a process of  relax and release. Until we have been able to do this in our physical body, no amount of analyzing will ‘just let it go.’

When we let go in our body, we let go in life.

This morning I paused on my walk. I surrendered to the moment. The cricked chirped a thunderous roar, the birds chirped loudly, the geese honked their way above me, even the bees buzzed loudly. I breathed and let go into the moment, into life. I let go of worry, planning, analyzing and realized fully that this moment in itself was already complete. This is what I want for you.

There is a time for thinking, planning and even worry. But that is only one part of our experience that seems to consume most people’s lives. It becomes their life.

Take time today to let go, moment by moment, breath by breath. It is your birthright to be here as life unfolds.


With love,



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