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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

The One Question That Can Set You Free from Fear

Is fear running your life? If so, then you are probably in reaction to it.

Think of a time you felt anxious. It might be recent, or perhaps a time in your past when you felt anxious.

If you were in actual danger you would have immediately gone into a fight-flight-freeze reaction in an effort to dodge the oncoming threat or to fight it, or become paralyzed in order to survive. We are incredibly wired to survive!

Or, if the threat was not immediate, but rather a fearful thought or a subconscious fear of failure, rejection, exposure or the many other fears that the human ego uses to feel safe and secure, you would also have a reaction to it.

Imagine you live in a castle. You see an oncoming enemy, or at least it looks like one. What do you do?

Do you put down the drawbridge or send out the lions?

We either avoid, resist, numb, block…

or we fight, create drama, defend, pull out the arms.

What do you do?

Do you avoid anxiety by the many escape means we have?

Or do you get angry, irritable and fight back?

Once we have identified our patterns we can now work with it to stay present to fear, see through it and out the other side to freedom. 

Breathe. Notice how the pattern shows up in your body.

Take 5 minutes. Stay present til it subsides.

Then proceed. Lengthen the time and soon you will have built a whole new pathway in your brain. 

A pathway with far more options than fear allows you.

Have a good week everyone,


ps. I have created a free Facebook group to give you more tips and tricks for moving from fear to freedom. You can join us right here:

From Fear to Freedom: Reclaim Your True Self


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