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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

A simple but powerful choice…



Such a simple choice… to accept and let go. Simple but not easy. It turns out that until we accept, we cannot change. Until we acknowledge the pain, the struggle, the pattern, we cannot shine the light on it and see it in it’s fullness, and let go. Imagine if you chose to let go of hurt, resentment, doubts and fear. What would that look like?


I have thrashed about in the depths of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress with people, so I know the act of letting go is not an easy one. It can require a huge amount of courage and faith. But I do know that something pulls people towards peace, when they are ready. Letting go of our stories is not an easy one, but in this moment, there is no trace of history. Only you, reading this post. 


I hear the protests… ‘they did this, I said this, this happened to me’. I know, I see you, dear one. But, right now that exists only in thought. ‘But I have pain!’ Yes, I know. Pain is present for you right now… but the story behind it is not. 


One way to start looking at what happens to us with a compassionate eye (a critical eye is not helpful, only adds to the pain story), is to begin to smile at it. What we resist, persists. With a smile we can see, accept and soften. This automatically puts you in the seat of the observer of yourself, in all your human-ness. It creates a space between you and what you are thinking and experiencing. Interestingly enough, this is key to healing….. what’s with that????


Just out this morning… I read research on major league baseball players. They analyzed players who had a full smile on their baseball card and found they lived SEVEN (!!!) years longer than those who didn’t. (Kinda nuts.)


Try this on….

I smile at my ego, my insecurities and my need for control.

I smile at my contradictions.

I smile at my pleasures, my desires.

I smile at my successes, my small steps forward.

I smile at my fears that try to keep me safe.

I smile at my anger, and the fear behind it. It shows me where I care.

I smile at my hurt, it alerts me to my small self that needs care.

I smile at my worries…. they work hard to protect me.

I smile at my many ways of trying to feel better… my envy, my lies, my need for attention.

I smile at my incredible strength, and my weaknesses.

I smile at my power, my ability to create.

I smile at my thoughts, positive and negative.

I smile at myself. My learning, growing, self. My human-ness.

C’mon… turn up those corners of your mouth for Pete’s sake! 


If that resonated with you, I have added an 2 minute audio today. I happen to love poetry, as sometimes things have to be said in a different way. This is a poem called “She Let Go.” by Safire Rose. Apologies to all the men-folk out there, it just didn’t sound right to interchange ‘she’ to ‘he’.  Enjoy.












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