Good Sunday morning everyone,
Sundays feel like a day of reflection for me. A pause to breathe, ponder, metabolize and write.
This is such an important part of healing and expansion.
In life, we can call it trauma, stress, anxiety, or the everyday difficulties and annoyances, but what is actually happening when you take away the terms is contraction. We have a whole industry built around helping you through the contraction.
It feels so painful because the body and soul are here to expand. But we need the contractions.
Think about giving birth. We know something new is on it’s way down the dark tunnel of the birth canal. It’s the same in life, when we resist the contraction, the tension, the anxiety, the stress, we strengthen it and prevent something new from emerging through it.
Even when we are in a phase of expansion, we still need a little contraction time to pull in, to ground and feel safe in order to face outwards and expand some more. Think of companies that go full tilt expansion without reflection and go belly-up. This is the boom-bust cycle.
So many of us have been there in the boom-bust cycle.
So here’s the thing. Contractions can last a moment, a week, a year or more. These are the phases in our life when we are under stress. A job, a relationship, a sick child, an illness. They cause necessary contraction for protection and survival.
But when life eases, at any point could come your greatest expansion. Into a new career, a hobby or travel, a new relationship or a beautiful settling into yourself, your body and soul.
I think of Nelson Mandela who had his greatest expansion at 80 after decades in a jail cell. Or Dr. Edith Eger who survived the horrors of Auschwitz to come out and provide such healing to the world.
Please build moments of expansion into your day. A deep breath, a walk or time to journal and ground.
And also know that if you are in the middle of a contraction, sometimes even that is hard to do.
When you bring self-compassion to this process, we realize there is nothing wrong with you. You live in a nervous system geared for survival, not pleasure. The expansion comes when you feel safe.
But if you are safe and are STILL living in contraction, as many people are, then it’s time for something different.
This week my course The Expansion Blueprint begins. This is a framework that will give you the tools and support to move through any contraction into expansion.
AND it includes 2 bonus courses for sensitive beings to thrive in this world AND Expansion Breathwork journeys monthly for the year.
Bonuses end at midnight Sunday..tonight!
This is the blueprint. This is the way forward in this life: to respect the contraction and embrace the expansion. I call it the journey from soul starvation to soul expansion and I believe this is why we are here.
Fear is contraction and it’s limited. Love is expansion and it’s limitless.
Here’s the info or hop on a free call with me to see if it’s a fit.
Wishing you a wildly expansive Sunday, and if not, try to breathe a little bit deeper.
With love,
ps. And if you would just like to join me for an online Expansion Breathwork journey, we have one coming up this Wednesday. Breathwork bypasses the gatekeeper of the conscious mind and works directly with the subconsicous mind to remove programming, core beliefs of fear and shame and paves the pathway to your true, expansive self