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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

The most powerful weapon you have against stress is….

…. what did you think I was going to say? Breathing of course.. along with changing your perspective 🙂


Hello Everyone!


I think for the first time in over 2 years of writing weekly blogs, I missed last week!  I am excited to share what I was up to. I just finished and published my first book on Amazon. Right now it is available as an e-book on Kindle, but in a couple of days it will be ready for print distribution on Amazon. Here is ( the link )to it and also to (an article )I really enjoyed that is exactly what the book is about. You can also go to Amazon and it’s the first listing for ‘mindful breathing’ 🙂


Our minds find what they are looking for, whether it’s positive or negative. So now that I am hooked on breathing as a source of sanity and peace, I ran across this dude, Wim Hoff. He has done amazing things from sitting in ice for 90 minutes to hiking up Mount Everest in shorts! You won’t find me doing that, but it is interesting that he attributes it to his breathing. Check out this video on his method but be cautious, breathing can be powerful:



Enjoy and have a great week everyone,










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