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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Ask What Not Why…


Good morning everyone,

A quick reminder that tomorrow is the last Tuesday drop-in mindfulness class and there will be no class on Friday. Here is a short, game-changing blog today about a simple shift you can make to feel more empowered and avoid the loop of over-analysis paralysis. 

New research from organizational psychology shows that when we analyze, overthink and ask ‘why’, we tend to become more anxious. You can check out the research right here. The reasons ‘why’ we feel anxious may be many, and sometimes our answers to ‘why?’ are not correct. More often than not it is a wild cocktail of many factors both physical and emotional/mental.


A better question to ask is ‘what?’. What is here.

What exactly am I feeling… a tight stomach, a heavy chest, a feeling of nervousness? 

What am I thinking? Identify the story you are telling yourself. We seriously overestimate the risks… and life keeps unfolding…


And now ‘what’ will help? Moving towards the fear by doing what you are afraid of? Going for a walk in nature? Breathing deeply for a few minutes? Eating? Better sleep? 


‘What’ helps us to move forward by taking responsibility as we are the only ones that can help ourselves.

‘Why’ gets us caught in a cycle of blame, judging and over-analyzing.


Try it today. Just ask ‘What?’. You will see what I mean. Let me know in the comments what you notice.


Check out the upcoming class in December…

Have a great week,



4 thoughts on “Ask What Not Why…”

  1. Good morning. Have already tested it out. Asking “Why?” left a swirling, purposeless feeling whereas “What?” felt grounding and empowering to acknowledge and take action! Thank you and happy Monday 😊.


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