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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Mindful Relationships

Hi Everyone,


I’m really excited to bring you a couple of things. I was honoured to be interviewed on the Come Up: Steps to Success Podcast which will be aired on December 19th. I was talking about my work and also my recent transition from therapist to teacher and writer. You can check it out here:

Don’t forget to sign up for the Global One Breath Meditation class that we will be doing together on New Year’s Day online. Now with technology we can still come together and keep practicing! Sign up right here and receive a copy of the Mindfulness Manifesto to remind you why we do this work. 


Now on to the blog:

I just love the image above. But it’s more than that…it fits for me.  Don’t believe everything you hear or read. You have to experiment yourself time and time again and see what makes sense for you. This is the only way to find your path, your true self, and your own peace. You will know it when it happens. My life is like a continual running of experiments.

The only reason I ever got into this work was because it resonated with me. It made more sense than anything else I had done or read, and my clients found that as well. For those that didn’t, well, they didn’t and they went elsewhere, and that’s great too because they are listening to themselves.  You have to hone it down to what works for you which may be different from the next person, your family, your kids, your friends or enemies! 


As we head into this holiday season, run an experiment. Notice where you get stuck. By getting ‘stuck’ I mean becoming tense, irritated, hooked in (by that same relative), frustrated or downright angry. What shows up in you is not something to run away from or hide. It is showing you valuable information, like a signpost indicating which direction to take. As the quote above says, if you start to feel distant from what is happening, feel into it… what is there? Impatience? Resentment? Jealousy? Rage? Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you if you are present to it.


Move Toward and Let It Be.


This does not mean lie down and let everyone walk all over you. It means to be mindful of yourself and your relationships. It might mean listening closer to someone in a line-up when you are rushed. It might mean moving closer to your spouse when they are stressed. It might mean noticing an old relationship that needs to shift or be let go of. It might mean slowing down and listening to your body cry out for a rest.


Only you can know. Only you can shine light into the cracks that you want to bypass, jump over and ignore. I’m just saying there might be a way to mend the crack. When you feel like you’re hopping cracks, slow down and be still.


I’d love to know how your experiments go if you want to share them in the comments below. Until then, here are a couple of curated items to help you along your path.


Mindfulness classes resume on Thursday January 18th, 12-1pm, Askews Uptown Community Room. $5 drop-in

Breathe to Heal will resume on Monday January 16th, time TBA 


I will be in touch but until then may you have a peaceful, joyful holiday,









One Breath

Mindfulness class

Breathe to Heal


6 thoughts on “Mindful Relationships”

  1. Thanks for this insight. Frustration can be a slippery slope. Once we start down that road, recognizing and becoming present in that emotion does tend to help. Glad I read this because I needed a reminder.


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