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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Managing Fear in Uncertainty

When was the last time you were aware of a global issue that radically affected pretty much every human on earth… emotionally and physically?

Probably not in recent history, likely never. So go easy on yourself. Check in. How are your body, mind and spirit?

It’s so normal to feel anxious and worried, and it’s hard not to when we are surrounded by it.

I won’t tell you to avoid fear or push it away, but rather listen to yourself deeply.

This crisis is asking us to slow down, go within and get really clear on our values and priorities.

Let your first priority be yourself and you own health. Staying strong in your body.

Notice how the fear shows up in your body. Where and with whom are you feeling it?

What do you do when you feel afraid or worried? Do you avoid and numb out, or tune in and take care. Your choice.

Are you picking up on someone else’ fear, watching the news? This is so normal. Anxiety is contagious! Become very aware of your body and your sensations.

This is key. Now make choices… to watch tv or go outside.. walks are not cancelled!

To eat healthy food or snack on junk.. what feels better? Your choice.

Stay aware, but there is no point in focussing on what you cannot control. Use your energy wisely by focussing on what you can control… your daily habits, your sleep, your activities, who you interact with. You are in charge of what you consume.

This is the perfect time to begin, restart, or continue a meditation practice.

Move from reacting to responding to this crisis in a way that serves you and the people around you.

Notice your worry and anxiety, but don’t let it drive the bus.

This might be the time to radically come home to yourself and learn to manage fear in any circumstance. 

May you have peace, safety and health in these trying times,

Lots of love,



6 thoughts on “Managing Fear in Uncertainty”

  1. Wonderful post today Madeleine! It’s such a powerful reminder that we can choose to step out of the pack and care deeply for ourselves in this uncertain time


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