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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Ladies… listen up, this is for you..

Dear Friends, 

It’s so frustrating! Lately, I have been having amazing conversations with amazing women who clearly have great ideas, heartfelt truths and an unwavering commitment to a better world within either themselves, to their lives, their families or relationships, communities or to the world. 

BUT…. their voices might never be heard. 

Their ideas might be relegated to the dusty box in the basement.

Their dreams put to rest… and along with them all the people they could have helped, most of all themselves. 

What holds women back from living to their potential? The answer to this is big, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. 

No matter what, if you just felt a pang in the gut when you read that, listen up. 

More than anything, you, your family, your world, needs you to let go of who you are trying or striving to be, and relax into who you are before the world told you who to be. 

You see, there has been a giant misunderstanding here. We have all been drinking the Kool Aid of bigger, more, faster, fitter, wealthier, smarter… for what?

As you know,  I am all for living a better, improved life, but I also know that the way we have been headed to some non-existent destination where will feel more… worthy? is not working anymore. The systems we have set up to support this are on shaky grounds.

What are we doing here?  I have been asking this throughout 2020. So much of what we were conditioned to believe has changed or is being questioned. A lot of people don’t really get clear on what gives them true meaning until the end of their life. Don’t let that be you. 

What gives you meaning right now? 

What will you look back on and wish you had done more of, or less of?

These are important questions moving into 2021. 

Your life matters. What you do matters. Those who are working tirelessly to bring compassion to their lives, with their finger on the pulse of themselves and others are as equally impactful as those with their finger on the pulse of the economy.

So, back to my original question: What holds women back from expressing themselves with confidence and clarity (or like a giant mess, but not giving a @#$% what others think :)?

I have 2 offerings if this made your heart skip a beat. Please join me in the upcoming Wise Women Waking Up Workshops (that’s a lotta W’s). Your voice, your ideas, or simply your presence, matters to the world right now. Each workshop is $25 and 1.5 hrs and will involve discussion, your own inquiry and a short guided meditation. Come to both or just one. If you register you will get the recording:

1) Overcome Self-Doubt by Taming the Inner Critic: Is there a loud voice in your head doubting your strengths, comparing you to others or making you feel like an imposter? Learn to identify and overcome this voice of the past, an essential step in discovering your true self.

When: Oct 20, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: Overcome Self-Doubt by Taming the Inner Critic

Register in advance for this webinar:

2) Accessing the Wise Woman Within: Yup, you’ve got one! We have been so conditioned to look for the answers outside of ourselves, fit in, not make a ruckus, that we have forgotten that the greatest source of wisdom is already inside of you. 

When: Oct 27, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: Accessing the Wise Woman Within

Register in advance for this webinar:

I can’t wait to get started! 2021 is going to look a whole lot different!

Take care,


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