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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

It Begins and Ends Right Here

Scene from the movie 'Moonlight'

I’m not sure what to say about the world today, or offer words of wisdom or love. It can seem like everything is spinning, somehow out of control and I am hoping the threads of fear, violence and hatred spin off into the atmosphere as we get clearer and clearer on the truth. The truth of who we are and what will save ourselves and the planet. 

As I sit with this, the truth does emerge and it is always love. 

We don’t hurt others when we are love. People who are angry and hurt, hurt others. People who are not aware of who they and others truly are apart from their ideas and old beliefs, hurt others.

Those who realize they are not the critical beliefs they think they are, also know that others are not either. You are not your past, your occupation, your mistakes or your beliefs, or what your parent or neighbour told you.

We are highly suggestible beings so we search Google for important answers to our lives before we ask ourselves. We tend to trust others, professionals, experts and those we admire before we trust ourselves. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am a super curious person about the world, about others, psychology, spirituality and seek answers all the time. But in the end, it comes down to seeing and believing ourselves, forgiving and stepping into love for ourselves and those around us. 

I’ve been collecting images of moments that express the enormity of love and forgiveness to heal, connect and transcend all beliefs, fear, hatred and disconnection. There is something that happens beyond all thought when we truly see and love one another for who we are in this moment. 

I don’t know how to express this, but I do know it is the most important thing for me in my world right now, and I think we sometimes will only see this at the end of our life: that we, like everyone else, need, thrive, heal and change, only when we are loved and forgiven in the light of compassion. 

It leads me to only 2 questions:

  1. How can you give up believing any thoughts of unworthiness or criticism of yourself that you have learned and inflict upon yourself?
  2. How can we hold each other in the light of love and compassion so we hold no-one in darkness and stream the force of love into the world at a faster rate than ever before?

This is the highest task of a human being. It does not mean you condone reprehensible behaviour or have tea with those who have hurt you, but you free yourself to make your own choices out of love for yourself and others. 

It has to start with us. 

Life is a series of moments of forgiveness.

Forgiving those for not being who or what we expected.

Forgiving ourselves for being a learning, growing, sometimes confused, sometimes scared, but always knowing, human being.

ALL compassion starts with self-compassion.

I hope this is helpful,

Lots of love always,


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