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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

The Roots of Discontent

A small fish in a big bowl and a small bowl for a big fish


Hello Everyone, and Welcome to Spring!


It looks like in the above image that there is a little bit of comparison going on… hmm, if only I had a bigger bowl, then I would be happy. Do you fall into this trap? A friend sent me a TED talk I had watched a long time ago, and as I watched it again, I realized it really is what I have been saying in many different ways. Take 15 minutes out of your life to watch it. 

Watched by millions, this famous 17-minute Talk by Srikumar Rao reveals why happiness is not something we need to pursue, instead we’re hardwired for it. This talk was so good, it became ONE of just SEVEN non-TED talks to be featured on the official TED website. Watch it right here. 

But if you’re cool, life is great and you have no problems, please don’t watch it 🙂


And now…

One question: What is your biggest challenge in becoming more mindful?

Answer: Either in the comments below or shoot me a quick email at:


I am here to help!

Join me either at a Tuesday mindfulness class 12-1pm at Askews Uptown, $5 drop-in or

check out my latest workshops here, or

Call me to see if my counselling service is a good fit here: 250-833-6652.

Or, just keep practicing deeper breathing and mindful moments and you are well on your way. 


Thanks everyone and have a great week!




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