Are you rushing through your to-do list in a mad race to the finish line? Do you ever make it to the end? If you are, you’re not alone this season. Let me tell you a practice I have been experimenting with that could make all the difference.
So often we race through life with the “if… then” mentality. That is, “if (fill in the blank), then I will be happy”. Well here’s the thing: if you can cultivate a sense of happiness right now, then you don’t have to wait, and you will also be happier when your goal arrives.
Many mornings I drop my child at school and scoot through the grocery store while it is still quiet. I tend to be rushed to get on with my day, but it is an activity I do regularly, it is part of my life routine. Like many things, we rush through the things we don’t ‘enjoy’ as much. I started to slow down, enjoy the abundant shelves of groceries that I choose from, buy something different each time, and most important of all is this: at the checkout, I made a point of connection. I made eye contact with the gals I see almost everyday, chatted and got to know them better. No texting, no distraction during this interaction. There is nothing more dismissive to another human being than being ignored during a transaction.
My results were that not only did I have the privilege of getting to know another human being, but I enjoy my visits more, AND it goes more quickly. I don’t know why.
IF there is a task, a chore or activity you do routinely… it is your choice: to do it with presence and grace, or rush through, resist it, and create stress. Either way, you’re doing it. That’s what I’m experimenting with.
For you: 6 Ways to Take Back Your Day:
Breathe to Heal: Tonight 8-9pm, Kula Wellness, $15 drop-in. Last class next week!
Thursday Mindfulness Class goes until December 7th, then resumes January 18th, 2018! I will be selling my book at class for the next 2 weeks for $15.00. Everyone welcome!
Have a good week,