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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

How to end mind chatter


Hello Everyone!

Have you ever gone through a task, a walk, or a day literally ‘lost in thought’? That is, so caught up in the world of the mind that the outside world fades in comparison? I sure have, and those thoughts and ideas can grip so tightly they seemingly won’t let go. 


It’s not a bad place to be, in your imagination, if you’re in positive, peaceful or exciting thoughts. But sadly, that’s not the case for most of us. The mind tends to ruminate on the negative, what isn’t right, and what needs to be done.  It’s just our evolution keeping watch for anything dangerous like sabre tooth tigers and the like. (Seen any of those lately?)


All conflict, all anxiety, all our problems begin in the mind with thoughts. We start to believe our thoughts, they become ideas and voila! Now we have a whole new reality based on your interpretations. How do wars start? In the mind.


The truth is that there are so many thoughts running loose out there and some of them randomly decide to land in your mind. Have you noticed that? Two people can have a very different interpretation of the exact same situation based on a million different factors, or just because.


Truth, freedom and peace will only ever come from freedom from our thoughts and stories. 


We are not our thoughts unless we believe that we are. Period. #mindfulness #justonebreath #innerpeace Click To Tweet


Most of our experience is happening outside of thought, but we just don’t notice it.

Try it now: Breathe deeper 2-3 times. Start to notice your body. How does it feel? Alive? Your arms, legs, the air on your skin. Your feelings. Try and step back from what you were thinking. What was it now?

Use your senses to move more fully into this moment not as a task, but as a dropping down into awareness. See, hear (was that a bird?), taste, touch.  Be here without judgement of what is here. Just observe and listen deeply. What was that story you were telling yourself? See it as tiny compared to your experience. As the mind drags you back in, notice it, don’t fight with it, and come back to your senses. Sometimes I get curious about my storyline and watch it, sometimes I gently say ‘stop now’. 

Practice, practice, practice. The only way to be where you are is to be where you are.


I look forward to a year of mindfulness, breathing and finding our inner peace together.  Leave a comment below if you are inclined to let me know what your challenges are or how I can help you this year.

Thursday mindfulness classes resume on January 18th, 12-1pm at Askews Uptown.

Breathe to Heal won’t be happening this season. Sorry to all who were asking about it. I’ll keep you posted but we’ll be getting into some serious breathing practices in mindfulness so maybe you will join us there :))

I’m busy developing an online course to stop worry in it’s tracks that will be rolling out soon, for all of you who cannot make classes in person.  You will be the first to know!


Lots of love and keep breathing, 



ps: Sorry, can’t help but add one more quote from a master of peace:)


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