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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

The Only Way Out… is In

As I sit down to write today, I’m not sure what will come out.

Perhaps a reverence for what life is asking of us. Perhaps a grief at so much loss. Perhaps an astonishment that for the first time in 20 years people in Nepal are seeing the Himalayan peaks due to the decrease in smog. Perhaps a gratitude for my family and the safety and space we are cherishing.

One thing is for sure… that we never know for sure. Also, we can never know, ever, what is the experience of other people.

I can only ever know my present moment experience.. and offer it up to you and see if it resonates. So I will do that.

The more literally and physically local I become, the more I see how I have fled the present moment ie. myself. I want to say “we”, but I will stick with “I”.

As I sit with myself, I can see how judgement and thought veils the real world. How we live in a world of ideas as opposed to what truly is. We decide what is good and what is bad, and reject, resist and fight the bad.

And we often live in a world of thought and emotion, without entering the real world, which is life.

How we are being asked to sit with both sides of the coin? In fact, there is no coin, no sides. Life is all of it and everything in between. 

I will say that avoiding or resisting fear has never worked. It feeds more fear.

What if we were able to sit with all sides, and hold it all in our awareness even for a moment?

Because life truly is all “sides”, not just now but it always has been. We will never be at peace until we accept all, all people, all religions, all races, all opinions. As we fight against each other, the fight becomes stronger, more fierce, more polarized.

And as we fight within ourselves, the fight becomes stronger, more entrenched.

As we sit with everything, everything that rises comes up to the light to be released.

Be kind and gentle with yourself today. You might be meeting parts of yourself that you have been at war with. 

This is not fancy talk, this is what happens. What is left is truth. The truth of this moment.

I can only ask: what are you resisting, judging, not allowing to be seen, heard, felt?

Where do you make yourself wrong for what you are feeling?

What part of you has been abandoned? Rejected?

What pattern have you created to ignore or avoid this part?

Distraction, busy-ness, running around like the world has been doing, has come to an end.

So what comes up when you stop, what feels uncomfortable and how are you now escaping it now?

What if you just stopped, and let it lift. Yes, it can feel like pain, like heartache, grief, but you can survive.

Everything is waiting for you on the other side of your blocks and judgements in yourself.

But…. just stay…. listen.

Your life is speaking.

Those patterns that kept you running, kept you in addiction to blame, achievement and fear… fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not-enoughness,  fear of future, they are rising, finally. 

Breathe. Stay. You will survive them. Not only that, you will graduate right through them, to the truth of who you are. 

An unconditioned, powerful fearless being.

You are bigger than your biggest fear.

This I know for sure. 

Today, be less in your thoughts and emotions, and more in your life. 

Your life is waiting for you. 

Take care and be safe,


PS: If you are an empath or highly sensitive human, don’t forget to listen to my interview on the Empath to Power podcast:

2 thoughts on “The Only Way Out… is In”

  1. Thank you Madeleine.:) Exactly. No more Racing running around… time to slow down and reflect on what’s really really important right Now. Thanks 😊 Roberta


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