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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Are you Being Ruled by a Shadow?

Mary was in an unsatisfying, emotionally distant relationship again.

Susan was unable to reach financial stability, despite her 8 years of post-secondary education.

Don lived with anxiety. Always scared of losing people close to him. And doing anything to avoid abandonment.

All of the above clients were living out their shadows. They were being ruled by an invisible, unconscious belief system that showed up in their lives as patterns… again and again.

It really prevented them from living for themselves, as themselves, their true selves.

Shadows are powerful. Until we see them.

They are agreements we make to avoid feeling, or exposing our biggest fears, our deepest parts that are hidden or buried.

But they still lurk, around the next corner, and we spend a LOT of time managing them.

They keep us small and scared, unable to be clear, on purpose and present.

In fact, we can spend our lives managing them and never truly step into who we are NOW, without them.

How do we find them? You can ask yourself the following questions?

What are my biggest fears?

What do I try so hard to avoid seeing, to cover up or hide, or what do I NOT want others to know about me?

Shadows are something we dive into in my new membership course the Empath Sanctuary.

Doors are open now for deeply feeling people to come out, find their power in all areas of life.

I’m super excited about it. We need people in the world to harness their empathy for themselves, and for others right now.

If you are ready to give up people-pleasing and find out who your are, then this is for you. The world needs YOU!

Get details and register right here: 

Let me know if you have any questions about it…




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