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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Are You an Empath?

Do you feel like you absorb the emotions of others?

Do you get lost in other’s needs and problems?

Do people tell you you are ‘just too sensitive?’

Do you get overwhelmed by crowds and take longer to recover?

Chances are you are an empath.

This is a gift, when harnessed.

As a child I took on any stress in the household.

As a teen I had no way to manage everyone’s emotions.

For years I thought I was just an introvert, a healer and I had anxiety. Until I realized that not everyone was as sensitive as I was to emotional energy.

I lived from a place of taking on other’s problems and being responsible for other’s feelings.

It was exhausting.

Until I learned to manage the anxiety and let other people look after theirs.

If this is you, it’s time to step out before you get sick.

Own your gift, but protect yourself.

How do you do this, you ask? 
Start small. Start by taking steps towards self-care every single day. Notice where you give yourself away. Is it with saying yes when you want to say no? Is it sharing your space when you want privacy? is it not sharing your opinions, your thoughts, because you don’t want conflict?

Just start by noticing with mindfulness. 

Then experiment with saying no, setting boundaries, creating a bubble of protection around you. 

Remember it takes a lot of consistent small shifts to change a nervous system, so keep at it. More about this to come…

If you want to get a jump start this summer on practicing mindfulness to shift anxiety, Fear to Freedom Summer 2019 course starts on Monday! 

It is a 5 week online course in mindfulness for anxiety with 5 classes, 4 audios to practice a week and extra teaching, support and Q & A with me. 

There are 2 more days to register: Here is the link:

Fear to Freedom Summer 2019 Course

I hope to see you there!


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