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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Are You Already Depleted and Exhausted?


Coming into the holiday season really “should” feel like a time to rest and restore, but often it feels like the opposite.

Not only is there a list of tasks to be done, but there is an energy of busyness in the air, in the traffic, in the shops. And often, this is not always a time of happiness for everyone. For some it is a time of loneliness, feeling emotionally and financially stretched, and feeling the pressure to be social and perhaps spend time with people you would rather not!

This has certainly been a topic of discussion in my mindfulness groups lately, and yet, we continue on this way year after year.

Unless we make the shift.

The shift to realizing it is only you who can slow things down.

The shift to fully download that you have some control. It doesn’t have to go like this.

The shift to honour your body and feel your own feelings.

The shift to get the support and hang out with people who light you up.

The shift to do what needs to be done, and rest.

The shift to be able to say ‘no’ when saying yes is not right for you in that moment.

These are the shifts we can make today, and also integrate into our lives in the years to come. Without them comes depletion, exhaustion, anxiety, chronic illness and fatigue.

I see it everyday in sensitive, whole-hearted people who have given too much for too long, often subconsciously.

There is an energy shift happening in the world though. It is like we have reached a peak and many, many of us are looking for an alternative.

A slower, more mindful and deeply satisfying life. One that involves deep connection, not competition.

What if…

You could wake up feeling clear, energized, and ready…

Knowing when to say no and say it easily…

Feeling excited to serve with a sense of purpose…

Enjoying a feeling of fulfillment as you interact with your coworkers or family on a daily basis…

And best of all, giving from a full cup again with that love that started it all…

I know this new reality is possible because I’ve been in the pain you are experiencing and found the light…

I also couldn’t keep up with the ‘needs’ of others at work and found it difficult to say ‘no’.

In fact, I was the go-to person for everyone…at work and at home.

I took on EVERYTHING and ended up feeling like nothing.

I felt like I had nothing left to give, and even felt guilty about that.

THANKFULLY, I found the answer that changed EVERYTHING for me. And it was much more powerful than the standard answers that don’t actually get to the root like “take a long bath” or “treat yourself more.”

If this touches you and your journey up to this point in any way, I want to tell you there is a path forward for you.
There is a way to restore your gifts, your strength and your energy, without guilt.
If you are not thriving, loving your life and serving from a place of overflow, and you are looking for a path forward as a caring, deeply sensitive woman, reach out to me at

Let’s get on a free guidance call and unpack what you are going through so I can guide you in the right direction, whether it is working with me, or so many other available options.

Make 2020 the year you find yourself and your fire again. 

It’s time.

The world needs you. I would be honoured to walk with you.


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