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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

A short practice to re-focus immediately


We may set out with the best intentions at the start of the day to stay on track, stay calm and make our way through the day with ease. Then, poof!  You get derailed by traffic, people, unexpected bumps… in other words, life!


Use this short practice to pause and refocus, instantly trigger your central nervous system to calm down and move out of stress into presence.  


Breathe: Breathe in deeply through your nose with minimal movement in your shoulders. Expand your belly and ribcage.

Body: Feel your body from the inside. Notice where you are sitting or standing. This brings you right into the present and out of stressful thoughts and reactions in the mind.

Love: Love this moment as it arises. Let go. Notice your ability to calm down. Notice your car, the sky, or anything else that is present in this moment. Resistance creates stress.

If you prefer to be guided, here is an audio recording: 



Practice creates change. As we change our state regularly, we change our life.


The last Tuesday Mindfulness class before summer break meets tomorrow 12-1pm at Askews Uptown.  It is going to be a fun class with some key elements of breathwork and mindfulness to practice through the summer.


If you would like to practice and expand your ability to find peace in the chaos and calm in your body, please join me at a workshop this Friday June 22nd, 9:30-11:15am. Details are below. 


“Breathwork is the next wellness frontier.” Mindbody Green 








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