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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

How to Take Your Energy Back

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well and enjoying everything that comes with spring… a new season, a new stage, in this ever-evolving life. I have a few things on the go lately. I am excited to be offering sessions online through Skype to help people far and wide to move through fear and anxiety to find their true self on the other side. You know, it’s the self you were before everyone told you who you should be! It’s something I am very passionate about after seeing so many clients find freedom and let go of negative, stuck beliefs. To schedule a session you can look here:

Also, I have been trying out making videos to reach people instead of writing, so I’m sharing this video with you today on how we unknowingly give our energy away. When we give our energy away, we give away our power, and also our responsibility for our own health. I hope you find it helpful.

Here we go…

Are you exhausted, depleted and anxious? You could be needlessly giving your precious energy away. In this video we look at all the ways we leak energy and power and how to take it back to feel refreshed, alive and energetic again.

If this resonates with you and you are ready to truly move past stuck, negative patterns that keep you small, step into who you truly are and reach into your potential and live your authentic life then reach out to me.
I can show you how to do this. I’ve done it for myself and my clients. So if you are ready to release the past, the guilt, the anger and open up to your true self, private message me to to see if we are a good match.

Lots of love,



Until next time, feel free to join me on Facebook here:

Just for the ladies I have a special offering right now:

Are you ready to take your transformation to a new level? A level of ease that connects you to your true purpose in alignment with your true self?

Then join my new group right here for tips and tricks to move ‘From Fear to Love: Reclaim Your True Self’ :

Lastly, here are the 2 free videos on overcoming anxiety if you haven’t seen them yet:

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