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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Letting Go

True emotional freedom comes only when we let go of resistance to what is in this moment. This is easier to do when life is peaceful, quiet and going the way you want it to. The challenge really arises when we are faced with change and adversity, however big or small. It could be a delayed flight, losing something, or an argument. I find that travelling is always a good time to practice mindfulness. When we have a plan, things don’t always go according to plan, and that’s called life. It’s a continual process of appreciation and renewal… letting go into reality, and not sometimes what you wish was reality!  As I travelled this weekend, I was constantly reminded of this fact. 


In lineups, in different environments, in crowds, with fatigue, in transit… what is our choice? To create tension, to judge, to brace, to complain..or to sink in deeply to what IS happening, which is usually not too bad, even good, or to fight it physically, mentally and emotionally. I have been practicing for years and find now that perceived setbacks are merely signposts for where to turn next, and sometimes it’s a big detour!

Of course when the change or loss is big, there are always layers of emotions involved, and it’s also important to honour that journey as well… moment by moment. 


Breathe, relax your body and release.  Again and again… and again. This moment is the only one that we have for sure. How can you make it more satisfying that ever?

The only way we can get there is to practice. Then we are much less likely to get thrown off balance when life throws some unexpected curves. There are lots of opportunities to learn and practice below. I hope you can join me somewhere along the way…




No drop-in class at Askews tomorrow, Tuesday October 23rd.  Drop-in resumes this Friday 12-1pm at Namaste Yoga.

Mindfulness for Anxiety pre-registered: last class this Friday October 26th.

Upcoming Classes:

Breathe to Heal: This workshop is filling up.. reserve your spot now! See details below and approach life with tools to manage stress better.

Mindfulness for Stress and Anxiety: New afternoon class! Check it out below. 




Have a good week everyone,




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