I don’t profess to have the answers.
I don’t think I know it all.
But I have noticed some consistent observations from sitting with people in pain and processing trauma for 25 years, and also through my own life experience, the greatest teacher of all.
- Pain can be the greatest teacher if we let it.
- Freedom is a process of letting go, rather than learning new skills.
- Moving through our false self is like peeling off the layers of an onion.
- Noticing negative thinking is worth looking at, not bypassing.
- Negative thoughts leads us to core negative beleiefs
- Our limiting beliefs are picked up through conditioning: family, societal, trauma.
- When we can see through, recognize and accept our conditioning, we see that it is not us. It is a lie.
- Below, or above all this mess is a ‘self’: the one that sees all this. Your true self.
- With the ‘letting go’ or rather ‘letting be’, a new dimension opens up. This dimension is an awareness, a feeling of love.
- True self is not judgemental. She knows pain. She develops a love and acceptance of all things and all people.
- Bad things, or ‘bad’ people are deeply unconscious and unaware of this dimension.
- We are of the same cloth: Any teaching that teaches fear, separation and judgement is not ‘truth’.
- No person is below or above another. No-one. When we judge, there is always a part of ourselves that is also like the other.
- Moving through pain is the path to freedom, not bypassing it. Don’t forget to get support!
- The world is a friendly place.
- Our lives are created by us.
- What we resist tend to get larger and keep visiting us. Be careful what you judge!
- Freedom comes from recognizing where it is we get ‘pinched’ and going there.
- Happiness never lies in things. Everything is impermanent and therefore will change. True happiness is an inside job.
- Our True Self is a beautiful, loving, limitless being that sees the love in others.