I often talk about the incessant chatter of the mind in our mindfulness classes. I recalled one morning when I awoke, but before even opening my eyes to the day, I noticed a dialogue running in my mind that seemed to come out of nowhere. I kept my eyes closed and listened. Basically, it was telling me all the reasons why I should get up, what I had to do and what didn’t get done yesterday. Before I opened my eyes. The voice was running the show. I didn’t stand a chance.As it was a busy time, the chatter was about tasks. Maybe if I was on holiday, it would have been more fun. However, it became clear that if we are to believe our thoughts, we will suffer. Why? Because who knows where they come from and in my experience they are a collection of opinions, judgements and directives most of the time.
It is estimated we have between 40-60,000 thoughts a day, most are repeat thoughts, and 80% are negative. Seriously… that’s what we’re up against.
Our only weapon is to choose what to believe.
Have you ever built a story in your mind that turned out not to be true?
Consider this thought : A blue sky
Now consider this thought: I’m a failure
Both are thoughts but if one is let loose to wander and gain support in your mind, it is sure to be a mess.
Try it now: Stand back. Observe the quality of your mind and thoughts today. Notice how good thoughts make you feel good and negative, racing ones create anxiety and stress. Don’t force good thoughts, just see it all as random ‘mind chatter’ that offers itself on a seemingly non-stop basis. See what feels true and what is simply trying to keep you in line.
We are so much more than our thoughts. But unfortunately thoughts seem to steal the show, creating all the problems in the world and more. It is our job to choose to live free from suffering. See what thoughts or beliefs are creating your suffering and blow them up by creating a new story for yourself. Let me know in the comments below if this rings true for you.
For a gentle way to observe thoughts and relax the body, join me tonight for ‘Breathe to heal’ or at our regular Thursday mindfulness class. I am also available for telephone or skype sessions to get started (see counselling).
You can also purchase my book on Amazon by clicking HERE.
Have a great week everyone,
Note: no class November 6th.
2 thoughts on “Does your mind chatter?”
Good one!
Great… glad you enjoyed it 🙂