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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Thrive, don’t just survive…

“The cracks are where the light shines in”.

Leonard Cohen


Usually when we feel life is going along swimmingly, teetering on that tightrope when all the stars seem to line up, the universe is cooperating, and you feel great… Boom! ..something happens and you fall off. Such is life.

It might be an event, a setback, or more often, “other people”. They have a way of getting under our skin, not doing what we want them to, letting us down, or otherwise just not meeting our expectations. Note: Our expectations.

If this is the case and we know we can’t always control events or other people as much as we can control the weather, the only choice we have is to learn to ride the wave as opposed to struggling against the tide. You always have control over your response to life. This doesn’t mean let ourselves be pushed around by the ocean, or we’ll drown, but rather let the experience open you, and teach you where you need to grow. Your uncomfortable reaction is your ‘crack’. There is nothing wrong about it as you’re a learning, growing human being. Let the light shine in.

Speaking of oceans, I was startled to hear when we were in Australia a few years back, that the Great Barrier Reef,. which lines the east side of Australia actually grows and thrives on the outer side where the waves crash and pummel it. It rises up, stands strong and grows. Where it is not challenged, on the inner side, it withers and dies.

[tweetthis]Let your inevitable inner challenges provide a guide to where you need to grow.[/tweetthis]Do you need to learn patience, forgiveness, acceptance, or perhaps boundaries (aka self-love). Don’t keep trying to control the ocean, you’re just making waves. If this is an ongoing pattern, aren’t you tired of it?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

Breathe and try again. Grow into what life is asking of you. I hope this helps you find some peace in the chaos!


Have a great week,



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