It’s true, it’s laughter. The best form of therapy. I recall being stuck in a habitual pattern with a co-worker some years ago where we would trigger and react to each other when things got stressful. Until one day right when I would usually respond with my part of the dance… I burst out laughing.
Laughing at me and my resistance to the way she is.
Laughing at us for the dance we were stuck in.
Laughing at the issue, for making it “oh, such a big deal”.
There is a reason that when I was taking a course in mind-body medicine at Harvard University, they trained us in laughter yoga. That’s right… a whole class of laughing uncontrollably, or at least pretending to, gives you the same effects. Laughter relaxes us, lightens us and sends a whole host of delicious relaxing chemicals throughout our body. When we are laughing we are completely in the present moment.
Here are some suggestions to bring more laughter into your life>>>
- Rent a funny movie
- Tickle your kids (or another adult if appropriate)
- Watch funny videos on Youtube
- When things go wrong, laugh
- When things go right, laugh
- Laugh at yourself…. ALOT
- never, ever pass up an opportunity to laugh at someone’s joke even if it’s corny
Life is hard sometimes, but there is usually something you can make light of. We are, after all, funny human beings taking ourselves so seriously. That’s worth a chuckle….