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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Quality vs. Quantity



OK. You’ve heard this time and time again… it’s not how much you have, it’s who you are, or what you do, or variations on that same theme.  It could never become more clear or truer than at this time of year. I am going to challenge you to drop some of your assumptions about this holiday and start (or continue) to truly experience this year in a different way. No small feat, given the amount of external pressure to buy, eat, consume and have fun. That will always be there, it’s the internal pressure I’m talking about.


Think about what has made past Christmases great. What made it truly memorable? My guess is that it might have been the people, the connections, the peace, the beauty. I understand the pain of not having family members here anymore. That might be the way it is for you, please honor that, but you are still here.


You have the ability to choose what to focus on. No-one can ever change that, and no-one or nothing can make you feel bad or stressed unless you give them permission. OK, now that we’ve got that straight, let’s go…..


Choose connections over cleanliness (yup… being judged is really not your problem)

Choose peace over busyness (ahhhh…..much easier)

Choose yourself over other’s expectations (pretty please…it’s not selfish!)

Choose to give where you want (your time, attention, whatever)

Do one thing at a time (research shows you’ll be happier)

Focus on what you have, not what you don’t. (Try it now… see?)

Know that the world will not fall apart if you don’t get that present, make that party, complete that task… we’re all still here breathing at the end of it all.

Be here in this moment as best you can as if you chose it. Go slowly. Pause. The world is unfolding anyway.


Wishing you all a safe and peaceful holiday.


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