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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Mindful Minutes



Welcome to the week! As I found myself running around and preparing for the upcoming week and new events that are happening, on my list was to visit my aging father in the care home where he lives. Now, having lost one parent to Alzheimers already and now my father, mostly uncommunicative and unresponsive, slips away as well, most people’s empathetic response is “That must be hard”. I won’t lie, it is, but only, and only, if my mind is in the past or future.  As I actually sit with him, and let myself be there, it is one of the most pleasant places to be. In his presence, being with him in this very moment, brings a beauty and peace that is indescribable. Of course there are times when I go to the past and reminisce about how active, intelligent and productive he was and it is sad. Of course the future of his death looms large in front of us as it approaches. But actually, in this moment, everything is ok. More than ok.


Try it with any situation that is challenging for you. What stories are you telling yourself that are making it harder? As you can see, these stories may in fact be true as mine are, or they may not be. When you practice being acutely aware and present, can you find ease?


That is it for today… short but really sweet. Have a great week my friends and welcome to all the new subscribers!



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