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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

How are your Habits?

As the weather cools outside and the sun sets earlier, it’s a good time to draw inwards and take stock of where you are at and note any changes, big or small, internally or externally, you want to focus on this season.


Habits are the bedrock of our lives. We use our willpower to change or create habits, which changes our lives. Whoa… don’t go promising yourself you will never eat sugar again, or work out everyday, or only ever think positive thoughts (impossible). I like to think of mini-habits: what are the small thing(s) you can change or add in to your routine that you can commit to and sustain? Thinking of exercising for an hour each day? Why not make it half and hour, or an hour with weekends off? Break it down to something you picture yourself doing this time next year.


A note about willpower: it is finite, like a tank of gas. We are only allotted so much each day until we fill up again with sleep. SO, it’s much easier to add in a small habit in the morning when your tank is full. Let your morning set the pace for your day, which sets the pace for your life. It’s proven that when you change one thing successfully, you are WAY more likely to change more things…


So, what’s your mini-habit? Drink a glass of water? Take that multi-vitamin? Write in your journal? Walk to work? Start with gratitude? Meditate for one minute?

… start today and your brain and body will strengthen in so many ways. Now imagine if you did that for the next 30 days 🙂  People who write down goals are also far more likely to follow through, so write it down, or hop on over to the Mindful Living Now facebook page and share!



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