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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Guess what…it’s not them… it’s you!!

 When you judge another, you do not define them. You define yourself.” ~Wayne Dyer


Well, as I was thinking about how to best empower you to take control of your own life and health, I ran across this blog from Leah and Naz at RYPL (Rock Your Purpose Live), and, to be honest, I couldn’t have said it better myself… so over to them…


You know those people in your life who just seem to know exactly how to push your buttons every time you see them or talk with them? In fact, sometimes just the mere sight or mention of them gets you on edge?

I’ve got some bad (or good!) news to share with you.

It’s not them. It’s you.

That’s right.

You see, there’s a myth floating around that other people and external situations have a mysterious, but powerful, control over your thoughts and feelings and ultimately your behaviour…as if they somehow found their way into your brain and ‘pushed your buttons’. You did that.

Why this is bad news: because you don’t get to be a victim anymore (and you might actually enjoy being a victim).

Why this is good news: you get to choose now – either react and push your buttons, or watch what happens, get curious, and observe your well worn patterns.

Now don’t get us wrong, external situations and other people can certainly create the conditions for your thoughts and feelings to show up. But ultimately YOU are the one who generates a state of upset, anger, joy, fulfilment…whatever it is.

You see, the more you get responsible for your thoughts, feelings and emotions, the more power you will have in your life. And that’s one of the things this community is all about: dealing powerfully with whatever life throws at you and being 100% responsible for your experience of life.

If you’re not willing to be responsible for your internal state, then a life created by you is extremely unlikely.

You damn well rock!


Thanks Leah and Naz from RYPL!! Now you’re going to love this quote…


Byron Katie: all the advice you ever gave your partner is for you to ...




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